Keywords are special words that are reserved, because they are used by the compiler to determine the structure of your code, so they cannot be used for variables, or subroutine or user defined function (UDF) names. Also, reserved words are displayed in [Blue] color by default in the Code editor, but not VBA globals, which stay black color.
This table was composed from the VBE object explorer, and broaden with more-info links of two sources, bettersolutions and excelfunctions blogs. I reordered and grouped the items by their function, so it has a comprehensible structure.
If you want the table I’d created to automate the generation of the needed VBA code, you can grab from this pCloud file.Word | Description |
Option | Used to define module level settings. |
Option_Base | Used when changing the default lower bound of an array, Option Base 1. |
Option_Compare_Binary | (Advanced) Used to change the string comparison settings, Option Compare Binary. |
Option_Compare_Database | (Advanced) Used to change the string comparison settings, Option Compare Database. |
Option_Explicit | Used to force variables to be declared before they can be used, Option Explicit. |
Option_Text | Used to change the string comparison settings, Option Compare Text. |
Global | Can be used to declare a Public variable that is visible from all the code modules. |
Private | Used to declare a subroutine that is only visible in that code module. |
Private_Const | Used to define symbolic constants. |
Private_Enum | |
Private_Function | |
Private_Function_Friend | |
Private_Function_Friend_Static | |
Private_Function_Static | |
Private_Property | |
Private_Property_Get | (Advanced) Used with the Property keyword when creating objects. |
Private_Property_Let | (Advanced) Used with the Property keyword when creating objects. |
Private_Property_Set | (Advanced) Used with the Property keyword when creating objects. |
Private_Sub | |
Private_Sub_Friend | |
Private_Sub_Friend_Static | |
Private_Sub_Static | |
Private_Type | |
Private_Declare_Function | Used to declare a block of code that can return a value. |
Private_Declare_Sub | Used to declare a block of code that does not return a value. |
Private_WithEvents | (Advanced) Used in class modules to define a variable that can receive events. |
Public | Used to declare a subroutine that is visible from all the code modules. |
Public_Const | Used to define symbolic constants. |
Public_Enum | |
Public_Function | |
Public_Function_Friend | |
Public_Function_Friend_Static | |
Public_Function_Static | |
Public_Property | |
Public_Property_Get | (Advanced) Used with the Property keyword when creating objects. |
Public_Property_Let | (Advanced) Used with the Property keyword when creating objects. |
Public_Property_Set | (Advanced) Used with the Property keyword when creating objects. |
Public_Sub | |
Public_Sub_Friend | |
Public_Sub_Friend_Static | |
Public_Sub_Static | |
Public_Type | |
Public_Declare_Function | Used to declare a block of code that can return a value. |
Public_Declare_Sub | Used to declare a block of code that does not return a value. |
Public_WithEvents | (Advanced) Used in class modules to define a variable that can receive events. |
Friend | (Advanced) Used in class modules to prevent subroutines from being accessed from external projects. |
Friend_Function | |
Friend_Sub | |
Friend_Property | |
Friend_Property_Get | (Advanced) Used with the Property keyword when creating objects. |
Friend_Property_Let | (Advanced) Used with the Property keyword when creating objects. |
Friend_Property_Set | (Advanced) Used with the Property keyword when creating objects. |
Const | Used to define symbolic constants. |
#Const | (Advanced) Used with conditional compilation arguments. |
Enum | Used to define a user defined enumeration. |
Property | (Advanced) Used with the Class keyword when creating objects. |
Property_Get | (Advanced) Used with the Property keyword when creating objects. |
Property_Let | (Advanced) Used with the Property keyword when creating objects. |
Property_Set | (Advanced) Used with the Property keyword when creating objects. |
Function | Used to declare a block of code that can return a value. |
Sub | Used to declare a block of code that does not return a value. |
Type | (Advanced) Used to define a user defined data structure. |
WithEvents | (Advanced) Used in class modules to define a variable that can receive events. |
With | (Advanced) Used to perform multiple operations on a single object. |
As | Used when defining the data type of a variable or argument. |
Byte | (Data Type) Used to hold any positive number between 0 and 255. |
Boolean | (Data Type) Used to hold either the value True or False. |
Integer | Used to hold any whole number between -32,768 and 32,767. |
Long | (Data Type) Used to hold any whole number between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,486,647. |
LongLong | (Advanced, Data Type) Used to hold large whole numbers on a 64 bit system. |
Single | (Data Type) Used to hold single precision floating point numbers. |
Double | (Data Type) Used to hold double precision floating point numbers. |
Currency | (Data Type) Used to hold numbers when you do not want any rounding errors. |
String | (Data Type) Used to hold string variables that are fixed length or variable length. |
Object | (Data Type) Used to contain a reference (or address) to an actual object. |
Variant | (Data Type) Used to hold any type of data except fixed-length strings and user defined types. |
ByRef | Used to pass variables in and out of subroutines and functions. |
ByVal | Used to pass variables into subroutines and functions. |
Optional | Used to indicate that a variable passed to a subroutine or function is optional. |
Optional_ByRef | Used to pass variables in and out of subroutines and functions. |
Optional_ByVal | Used to pass variables into subroutines and functions. |
ParamArray | (Advanced) Used to allow a dynamic number of arguments to be passed to a subroutine or function. |
Declare | (Advanced) Used when calling windows API functionality. |
Declare_Function | Used to declare a block of code that can return a value. |
Declare_Sub | Used to declare a block of code that does not return a value. |
Alias | (Advanced) Used when declaring an external procedure in a DLL that has the same name and something else. |
Lib | (Advanced) Used when calling windows API functionality. |
Call | Used to allow arguments to be passed in parentheses when execution moves inside a subroutine or function. |
Dim | Used when declaring one or more variables. |
Static | (Advanced, Variables) Used to indicate that a variable will be preserved between calls. |
Static_Function | Used to declare a block of code that can return a value. |
Static_Sub | Used to declare a block of code that does not return a value. |
ReDim | (Advanced, Function) Used to initialise or resize an array. |
ReDim_Preserve | (Advanced) Used to preserve the items in an array when it is being resized. |
Erase | (Advanced) Used to reinitialize the elements in an array. |
Me | (Advanced) Used as an implicitly declared variable inside a class module or userform. |
End | Used to terminate a subroutine, function or property. |
End_If | |
End_Select | |
End_Sub | |
End_Function | |
End_With | |
End_Property | |
End_Type | |
End_Enum | |
#If | (Advanced) Used with conditional compilation arguments. |
#Else | (Advanced) Used with conditional compilation arguments. |
#ElseIf | (Advanced) Used with conditional compilation arguments. |
#End | (Advanced) Used with conditional compilation arguments. |
If | Used with the Then keyword to allow conditional branching. |
Else | Used with the If keyword when using conditional branching. |
ElseIf | Used with the If keyword when using conditional branching. |
Then | Used with the If keyword in conjunction with conditional branching. |
On | Used with the Error keyword when using error handling. |
On_Error | (Statement) Used to generate an error message. |
GoTo | |
Event | (Statement) Used to declare a user defined event. |
Resume | (Advanced) Used with the On Error keywords when using error handling. |
Resume_Next | |
RaiseEvent | (Advanced) Used to trigger a class module user defined event. |
Return | (Advanced) Used with the GoSub keyword to return execution back to the original line. |
Exit | Used to exit a subroutine or function early before it reaches the end. |
Exit_Do | |
Exit_For | |
Exit_Function | |
Exit_Property | |
Exit_Sub | |
Do | Used with the Until or Loop keywords when repeating one or more statements. |
Do_Until | Used with the Do keyword when repeating one or more statements. |
Do_While | Used with the Do keyword when repeating one or more statements. |
Loop | Used with the Do keyword when repeating one or more statements. |
Loop_Until | Used with the Do keyword when repeating one or more statements. |
Loop_While | Used with the Do keyword when repeating one or more statements. |
While | Used with the Do keyword when repeating one or more statements. |
Wend | Used with the While keyword when repeating one or more statements. |
For | Used with the Next keyword when repeating one or more statement. |
For_Each | Used with the For keyword to access the individual elements in a collection. |
Step | Used with the For keyword to provide additional increments and decrements. |
Next | Used with the For keyword when repeating one or more statements. |
DoEvents | |
Select | Used with the Case keyword in conjunction with conditional branching. |
Select_Case | Used with the Select keyword when using conditional branching. |
Case | Used with the Select keyword when using conditional branching. |
Stop | (Advanced) Used to allow you to save a breakpoint in your file. |
False | Used to represent the value 0. |
True | Used to represent the value -1. |
Nothing | Used as the default value when an object has not been initialised. |
Empty | Used with a Variant data type when a value has not been assigned. |
Null | (Advanced, Variant) Used to explicitly indicate an invalid value or error. |
LBound | (Advanced, Function) Used to return the lower limit of an array dimension. |
UBound | (Advanced, Function) Used to return the upper limit of an array dimension. |
Array | Creates an array, containing a supplied set of values. |
Filter | Returns a subset of a supplied string array, based on supplied criteria. |
Join | Joins a number of substrings into a single string. |
Split | Splits a Text String into a Number of Substrings. |
To | Used with the For keyword when repeating one or more statements. |
Implements | (Advanced) Used with the Class keyword when creating objects. |
Is | Compares two object reference variables. |
Like | Used to compare two strings and provide pattern matching. |
LSet | (Advanced, Statement) Used to left align a string within a string variable. |
RSet | (Advanced, Statement) Used to right align a string within a string variable. |
Mod | (Operator) Used to divide two numbers and return the remainder. |
New | (Advanced) Used to create a new instance of an object. |
And | (Operator) Used as the logical ‘AND’ operator. |
Or | (Operator) Used an the logical ‘OR’ operator. |
Not | (Operator) Used as the logical ‘NOT’ operator. |
TypeOf | (Operator) Used to return the data type of an object. |
DefBool | (Advanced) Used to define certain variables to have a Boolean data type. |
DefByte | (Advanced) Used to define certain variables to have a Byte data type. |
DefDate | (Advanced) Used to define certain variables to have a Date data type. |
DefDec | (Advanced) Used to define certain variables to have a Variant/Decimal data type. |
DefDouble | (Advanced) Used to define certain variables to have a Double data type. |
DefInt | (Advanced) Used to define certain variables to have a Integer data type. |
DefLng | (Advanced) Used to define certain variables to have a Long data type. |
DefLngLng | (Added in Office 2010) Used to define certain variables to have a LongLong data type. |
DefLngPtr | (Added in Office 2010) Used to define certain variables to have a LongPtr data type. |
DefObj | (Advanced) Used to define certain variables to have a Object data type. |
DefSng | (Advanced) Used to define certain variables to have a Single data type. |
DefStr | (Advanced) Used to define certain variables to have a String data type. |
CBool | (Data Type Conversion) Used to convert an expression to a Boolean. |
CByte | (Data Type Conversion) Used to convert an expression to a Byte. |
CCur | (Data Type Conversion) Used to convert an expression to a Currency. |
CDec | (Data Type Conversion) Used to convert an expression to a Decimal. |
CDate | (Data Type Conversion) Used to convert an expression to a Date. |
CDbl | (Data Type Conversion) Used to convert an expression to a Double. |
CInt | (Data Type Conversion) Used to convert an expression to an Integer. |
CLng | (Data Type Conversion) Used to convert an expression to a Long. |
CLngLng | (Data Type Conversion) Used to convert an expression to a LongLong. |
CLngPtr | (Data Type Conversion) Used to convert an expression to a LongPtr. |
CSng | (Data Type Conversion) Used to convert an expression to a Single. |
CStr | (Data Type Conversion) Used to convert an expression to a String. |
CVar | (Data Type Conversion) Used to convert an expression to a Variant. |
Format | Applies a format to an expression and returns the result as a string. |
Format$ | |
InStr | Returns the position of a substring within a string. |
InStrRev | Returns the position of a substring within a string, searching from right to left. |
InStrB | |
Left | Returns a substring from the start of a supplied string. |
Left$ | |
LeftB | |
LeftB$ | |
Len | Returns the length of a supplied string. |
LenB | |
LCase | Converts a supplied string to lower case text. |
Lcase$ | |
LTrim | Removes leading spaces from a supplied string. |
Ltrim$ | |
Mid | Returns a substring from the middle of a supplied string. |
Mid$ | |
MidB | |
MidB$ | |
Replace | Replaces a substring within a supplied text string. |
Right | Returns a substring from the end of a supplied string. |
Right$ | |
RightB | |
RightB$ | |
RTrim | Removes trailing spaces from a supplied string. |
Rtrim$ | |
Space | Creates a string consisting of a specified number of spaces. |
Space$ | |
StrComp | Compares two strings and returns an integer representing the result of the comparison. |
StrConv | Converts a string into a specified format. |
String | Creates a string consisting of a number of repeated characters. |
String$ | |
StrReverse | Reverses a supplied string. |
Trim | Removes leading and trailing spaces from a supplied string. |
Trim$ | |
UCase | Converts a supplied string to upper case text. |
Ucase$ | |
Asc | Returns an integer representing the code for a supplied character. |
AscB | |
AscW | |
Chr | Returns the character corresponding to a supplied character code. |
Chr$ | |
ChrB | |
ChrB$ | |
ChrW | |
ChrW$ | |
IsArray | Tests if a supplied variable is an array. |
IsDate | Tests if a supplied expression is a date. |
IsEmpty | Tests if a supplied variant is Empty. |
IsError | Tests if a supplied expression represents an error. |
IsMissing | Tests if an optional argument to a procedure is missing. |
IsNull | Tests if a supplied expression is Null. |
IsNumeric | Tests if a supplied expression is numeric. |
IsObject | Tests if a supplied variable represents an object variable. |
CVErr | Produces an Error data type for a supplied error code. |
Error | Returns the error message corresponding to a supplied error code. |
Erl | |
Err | |
Error$ | |
Choose | Selects a value from a list of arguments. |
IIf | Evaluates an expression and returns one of two values, depending on whether the expression evaluates to True or False. |
Switch | Evaluates a list of Boolean expressions and returns a value associated with the first true expression. |
FormatCurrency | Applies a currency format to an expression and returns the result as a string. |
FormatDateTime | Applies a date/time format to an expression and returns the result as a string. |
FormatNumber | Applies a number format to an expression and returns the result as a string. |
FormatPercent | Applies a percentage format to an expression and returns the result as a string. |
Hex | Converts a numeric value to hexadecimal notation and returns the result as a string. |
Hex$ | |
Oct | Converts a numeric value to octal notation and returns the result as a string. |
Oct$ | |
Str | Converts a numeric value to a string. |
Str$ | |
Val | Converts a string to a numeric value. |
Date | Returns the current date. |
Date$ | |
DateAdd | Adds a time interval to a date and/or time. |
DateDiff | Returns the number of intervals between two dates and/or times. |
DatePart | Returns a part (day, month, year, etc.) of a supplied date/time. |
DateSerial | Returns a Date from a supplied year, month and day number. |
DateValue | Returns a Date from a String representation of a date/time. |
CVDate | |
Day | Returns the day number (from 1 to 31) of a supplied date. |
Hour | Returns the hour component of a supplied time. |
Minute | Returns the minute component of a supplied time. |
Month | Returns the month number (from 1 to 12) of a supplied date. |
MonthName | Returns the month name for a supplied month number (from 1 to 12). |
Now | Returns the current date and time. |
Second | Returns the second component of a supplied time. |
Time | Returns the current time. |
Time$ | |
Timer | Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight. |
TimeSerial | Returns a Time from a supplied hour, minute and second. |
TimeValue | Returns a Time from a String representation of a date/time. |
Weekday | Returns an integer (from 1 to 7), representing the weekday of a supplied date. |
WeekdayName | Returns the weekday name for a supplied integer (from 1 to 7). |
Year | Returns the year of a supplied date. |
Abs | Returns the absolute value of a number. |
Atn | Calculates the arctangent of a supplied number. |
Cos | Calculates the cosine of a supplied angle. |
Exp | Calculates the value of ex for a supplied value of x. |
Fix | Truncates a number to an integer (rounding negative numbers towards zero). |
Int | Returns the integer portion of a number (rounding negative numbers away from zero). |
Log | Calculates the natural logarithm of a supplied number. |
Rnd | Generates a random number between 0 and 1. |
Randomize | |
Round | Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places. |
Sgn | Returns an integer representing the arithmetic sign of a number. |
Sin | Calculates the sine of a supplied angle. |
Sqr | Returns the square root of a number. |
Tan | Calculates the tangent of a supplied angle. |
DDB | Calculates the depreciation of an asset during a specified period, using the Double Declining Balance Method. |
FV | Calculates the future value of a loan or investment. |
IPmt | Calculates the interest part of a payment, during a specific period, for a loan or investment. |
IRR | Calculates the internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows. |
MIRR | Calculates the modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows. |
NPer | Calculates the number of periods for a loan or investment. |
NPV | Calculates the net present value of an investment. |
Pmt | Calculates the constant periodic payments for a loan or investment. |
PPmt | Calculates the principal part of a payment, during a specific period, for a loan or investment. |
PV | Calculates the present value of a loan or investment. |
Rate | Calculates the interest rate per period for a loan or investment. |
SLN | Calculates the straight line depreciation of an asset for a single period. |
SYD | Calculates the sum-of-years’ digits depreciation for a specified period in the lifetime of an asset. |
CurDir | Returns the current path, as a string. |
CurDir$ | |
Dir | Returns the first file or directory name that matches a specified pattern and attributes. |
ChDir | |
ChDrive | |
RmDir | |
MkDir | |
FreeFile | |
FileAttr | Returns the mode of a file that has been opened using the Open statement. |
FileDateTime | Returns the last modified date and time of a supplied file, directory or folder. |
FileLen | Returns the length of a supplied file, directory or folder. |
GetAttr | Returns an integer, representing the attributes of a supplied file, directory or folder. |
Input | |
Input$ | |
InputB | |
InputB$ | |
Seek | |
EOF | |
LOF | |
FileCopy | |
Kill | |
CreateObject | |
GetObject | |
CallByName | |
Command | |
Command$ | |
Shell | |
InputBox | Displays a dialog box prompting the user for input. |
MsgBox | Displays a modal message box. |
Beep | |
DeleteSetting | |
GetAIISettings | |
GetSetting | |
SaveSetting | |
Environ | |
Environ$ | |
IMEStatus | |
AppActivate | |
Calendar | |
Load | |
Loc | |
MacID | |
MacScript | |
Partition | |
QBColor | |
Reset | |
RGB | |
SendKeys | |
SetAttr | |
Unload | |
UserForms | |
ObjPtr | |
StrPtr | |
VarPtr | |
TypeName | |
VarType | |
vb3DDKShadow | |
vb3DFace | |
vb3DHighlight | |
vb3DLight | |
vb3DShadow | |
vbAbort | |
vbAbortRetryIgnore | |
vbActiveBorder | |
vbActiveTitleBar | |
vbAlias | |
vbApplicationModal | |
vbApplicationWorkspace | |
vbAppTaskManager | |
vbAppWindows | |
vbArchive | |
vbArray | |
vbBack | |
vbBinaryCompare | |
vbBlack | |
vbBlue | |
vbBoolean | |
vbButtonFace | |
vbButtonShadow | |
vbButtonText | |
vbByte | |
vbCalGreg | |
vbCalHijri | |
vbCancel | |
vbCr | |
vbCritical | |
vbCrLf | |
vbCurrency | |
vbCyan | |
vbDatabaseCompare | |
vbDataObject | |
vbDate | |
vbDecimal | |
vbDefaultButton1 | |
vbDefaultButton2 | |
vbDefaultButton3 | |
vbDefaultButton4 | |
vbDesktop | |
vbDirectory | |
vbDouble | |
vbEmpty | |
vbError | |
vbExclamation | |
vbFalse | |
vbFirstFourDays | |
vbFirstFullWeek | |
vbFirstJan1 | |
vbFormCode | |
vbFormControlMenu | |
vbFormFeed | |
vbFormMDIForm | |
vbFriday | |
vbFromUnicode | |
vbGeneralDate | |
vbGet | |
vbGrayText | |
vbGreen | |
vbHidden | |
vbHide | |
vbHighlight | |
vbHighlightText | |
vbHiragana | |
vbIgnore | |
vbIMEAlphaDbl | |
vbIMEAlphaSng | |
vbIMEDisable | |
vbIMEHiragana | |
vbIMEKatakanaDbl | |
vbIMEKatakanaSng | |
vbIMEModeAlpha | |
vbIMEModeAlphaFull | |
vbIMEModeDisable | |
vbIMEModeHangul | |
vbIMEModeHangulFull | |
vbIMEModeHiragana | |
vbIMEModeKatakana | |
vbIMEModeKatakanaHalf | |
vbIMEModeNoControl | |
vbIMEModeOff | |
vbIMEModeOn | |
vbIMENoOp | |
vbIMEOff | |
vbIMEOn | |
vbInactiveBorder | |
vbInactiveCaptionText | |
vbInactiveTitleBar | |
vbInfoBackground | |
vbInformation | |
vbInfoText | |
vbInteger | |
vbKatakana | |
vbKey0 | |
vbKey1 | |
vbKey2 | |
vbKey3 | |
vbKey4 | |
vbKey5 | |
vbKey6 | |
vbKey7 | |
vbKey8 | |
vbKey9 | |
vbKeyA | |
vbKeyAdd | |
vbKeyB | |
vbKeyBack | |
vbKeyC | |
vbKeyCancel | |
vbKeyCapital | |
vbKeyClear | |
vbKeyControl | |
vbKeyD | |
vbKeyDecimal | |
vbKeyDelete | |
vbKeyDivide | |
vbKeyDown | |
vbKeyE | |
vbKeyEnd | |
vbKeyEscape | |
vbKeyExecute | |
vbKeyF | |
vbKeyF1 | |
vbKeyF10 | |
vbKeyF11 | |
vbKeyF12 | |
vbKeyF13 | |
vbKeyF14 | |
vbKeyF15 | |
vbKeyF16 | |
vbKeyF2 | |
vbKeyF3 | |
vbKeyF4 | |
vbKeyF5 | |
vbKeyF6 | |
vbKeyF7 | |
vbKeyF8 | |
vbKeyF9 | |
vbKeyG | |
vbKeyH | |
vbKeyHelp | |
vbKeyHome | |
vbKeyI | |
vbKeyInsert | |
vbKeyJ | |
vbKeyK | |
vbKeyL | |
vbKeyLButton | |
vbKeyLeft | |
vbKeyM | |
vbKeyMButton | |
vbKeyMenu | |
vbKeyMultiply | |
vbKeyN | |
vbKeyNumlock | |
vbKeyNumpad0 | |
vbKeyNumpad1 | |
vbKeyNumpad2 | |
vbKeyNumpad3 | |
vbKeyNumpad4 | |
vbKeyNumpad5 | |
vbKeyNumpad6 | |
vbKeyNumpad7 | |
vbKeyNumpad8 | |
vbKeyNumpad9 | |
vbKeyO | |
vbKeyP | |
vbKeyPageDown | |
vbKeyPageUp | |
vbKeyPause | |
vbKeyPrint | |
vbKeyQ | |
vbKeyR | |
vbKeyRButton | |
vbKeyReturn | |
vbKeyRight | |
vbKeyS | |
vbKeySelect | |
vbKeySeparator | |
vbKeyShift | |
vbKeySnapshot | |
vbKeySpace | |
vbKeySubtract | |
vbKeyT | |
vbKeyTab | |
vbKeyU | |
vbKeyUp | |
vbKeyV | |
vbKeyW | |
vbKeyX | |
vbKeyY | |
vbKeyZ | |
vbLet | |
vbLf | |
vbLong | |
vbLongDate | |
vbLongTime | |
vbLowerCase | |
vbMagenta | |
vbMaximizedFocus | |
vbMenuBar | |
vbMenuText | |
vbMethod | |
vbMinimizedFocus | |
vbMinimizedNoFocus | |
vbModal | |
vbModeless | |
vbMonday | |
vbMsgBox | |
vbMsgBoxHelpButton | |
vbMsgBoxRight | |
vbMsgBoxRtlReading | |
vbMsgBoxSetForeground | |
vbMsgBoxText | |
vbNarrow | |
vbNewLine | |
vbNo | |
vbNormal | |
vbNormalFocus | |
vbNormalNoFocus | |
vbNull | |
vbNullChar | |
vbNullString | |
vbObject | |
vbObjectError | |
vbOK | |
vbOKCancel | |
vbOKOnly | |
vbProperCase | |
vbQuestion | |
vbReadOnly | |
vbRed | |
vbRetry | |
vbRetryCancel | |
vbSaturday | |
vbScrollBars | |
vbSet | |
vbShortDate | |
vbShortTime | |
vbSingle | |
vbString | |
vbSunday | |
vbSystem | |
vbSystemModal | |
vbTab | |
vbTextCompare | |
vbThursday | |
vbTitleBarText | |
vbTrue | |
vbTuesday | |
vbUnicode | |
vbUpperCase | |
vbUseDefault | |
vbUserDefinedType | |
vbUseSystem | |
vbUseSystemDayOfWeek | |
vbVariant | |
vbVerticalTab | |
vbVolume | |
vbWednesday | |
vbWhite | |
vbWide | |
vbWindowBackground | |
vbWindowFrame | |
vbWindowText | |
vbYellow | |
vbYes | |
vbYesNo | |
vbYesNoCancel |
Abs Accelerator Access AccessMode Action Activate ActivateMicrosoftApp ActivateNext ActivatePrevious ActiveCell ActiveChart ActiveDialog ActiveMenuBar ActivePane ActivePrinter ActiveSheet ActiveWindow ActiveWorkbook Add AddChartAutoFormat AddCustomList AddFields AddIn AddIndent AddIns AddItem AddMenu AddReplacement Address AddressLocal AddToTable AddVertex AdvancedFilter After AlertBeforeOverwriting Alias Alignment AltStartupPath AlwaysSuggest Amount And Any App AppActivate Appearance Append AppendLast Application ApplyDataLabels ApplyNames ApplyOutlineStyles Arc Arcs Area Area3DGroup AreaGroup AreaGroups Areas Arg0 Arg1 Arg10 Arg11 Arg12 Arg13 Arg14 Arg15 Arg16 Arg17 Arg18 Arg19 Arg2 Arg20 Arg21 Arg22 Arg23 Arg24 Arg25 Arg26 Arg27 Arg28 Arg29 Arg3 Arg30 Arg31 Arg4 Arg5 Arg6 Arg7 Arg8 Arg9 ArgName Arrange ArrangeStyle Array ArrowHeadLength ArrowHeadStyle ArrowHeadWidth ArrowNumber As Asc ascb ascw AskToUpdateLinks Atn attribute Attributes Author AutoComplete AutoCorrect AutoFill AutoFilter AutoFilterMode AutoFit AutoFormat AutoLoad Automatic AutomaticStyles AutoOutline AutoPage AutoScaling AutoSize AutoText AutoUpdate Axes Axis AxisBetweenCategories AxisGroup AxisObj AxisTitle B Background Backward Bar3DGroup BarGroup BarGroups Base BasedOn BaseField BaseItem BasicCode BCCRecipients Beep Before begin BF Binary BlackAndWhite Blue Bold Boolean Border BorderAround Borders Bottom BottomMargin BottomRightCell BringToFront Build BuiltIn BuiltinDocumentProperties BuiltInFace Button Buttons ButtonText By ByRef ByRow ByVal Calculate CalculateBeforeSave Calculation Call Caller Cancel CancelButton CanPlaySounds CanRecordSounds CapitalizeNamesOfDays Caption caption Case Category CategoryLabels CategoryLocal CategoryNames CategoryTitle CBool cbyte CCRecipients CCur CDate CDbl cdec CDecl Cell Cell1 Cell2 CellDragAndDrop Cells CenterFooter CenterHeader CenterHorizontally CenterVertically Centimeters CentimetersToPoints ChangeFileAccess ChangeLink ChangeScenario ChangingCell ChangingCells Channel Character Characters CharCode Chart ChartArea ChartGroup ChartGroups ChartObject ChartObjects Charts ChartSize ChartTitle ChartWizard ChartWizardDisplay ChDir ChDrive CheckBox CheckBoxes Checked CheckSpelling ChildField ChildItems choose Chr chrb chrw CInt CircularReference Class ClassType Clear ClearArrows ClearContents ClearFormats ClearNotes ClearOutline clientheight clientleft clienttop clientwidth ClipboardFormats CLng Close Closed Collate Color ColorButtons ColorIndex ColorPalette Colors Column Column3DGroup ColumnAbsolute ColumnDifferences ColumnFields ColumnGrand ColumnGroup ColumnGroups ColumnIndex ColumnInput ColumnLevels ColumnOffset ColumnRange Columns ColumnSize ColumnWidth Comma command CommandUnderlines Comments Compare Comparison ConflictResolution ConsecutiveDelimiter Consolidate ConsolidationFunction ConsolidationOptions ConsolidationSources Const Constant Constants ConstrainNumeric Container ContainsBIFF ContainsPICT ContainsRTF ContainsVALU Contents Context Conversion Convert Converter ConvertFormula Copies Copy CopyFace CopyFile CopyFromRecordset CopyObjectsWithCells CopyPicture CopyToRange Corners Cos Count CreateBackup CreateLinks CreateNames CreateObject CreatePublisher CreateSummary Creator Criteria1 Criteria2 CriteriaRange Crosses CrossesAt CrtBorder CrtInterior CSng CStr CurDir Currency CurrentArray CurrentPage CurrentRegion Cursor CustomDictionary CustomDocumentProperties CustomListCount Cut CutCopyMode CVar CVDate CVErr Data DataBodyRange DataEntryMode DataFields DataLabel DataLabelRange DataLabels DataRange DataSeries DataSeriesIn DataSheet DataType Date Date1904 dateadd datediff datepart DateSerial DateValue Day ddb DDEAppReturnCode DDEExecute DDEInitiate DDEPoke DDERequest DDETerminate Debug Declare Default DefaultButton DefaultFilePath DefBool defbyte DefCur DefDate DefDbl defdec DefInt DefLng DefObj DefSng DefStr DefVar Delete DeleteChartAutoFormat DeleteCustomList DeleteNumberFormat DeleteReplacement deletesetting Delimiter Delivery Dependents DepthPercent Description Deselect Destination DestName Dialog DialogBox DialogFrame Dialogs DialogSheet DialogSheets Dim Dir DirectDependents Direction DirectPrecedents DismissButton Display3DShading DisplayActiveCell DisplayAlerts DisplayAsIcon DisplayAutomaticPageBreaks DisplayBlanksAs DisplayClipboardWindow DisplayDrawingObjects DisplayEquation DisplayExcel4Menus DisplayFormat DisplayFormula DisplayFormulaBar DisplayFormulas DisplayFullScreen DisplayGridlines DisplayHeadings DisplayHorizontalScrollBar DisplayInfoWindow DisplayNames DisplayNote DisplayNoteIndicator DisplayOutline DisplayProtection DisplayRecentFiles DisplayRightToLeft DisplayRSquared DisplayScrollBars DisplayStatusBar DisplayVerticalScrollBar DisplayWorkbookTabs DisplayZeros Do DoEvents Double DoubleClick DoughnutGroup DoughnutGroups DoughnutHoleSize Down DownBars DownloadNewMail Draft Drawing DrawingObject DrawingObjects Drawings Drive DropDown DropDownLines DropDowns DropLines Duplicate Each EarliestTime EchoOn Edit Editable EditBox EditBoxes EditDirectlyInCell Edition EditionOptions EditionRef Elevation Else ElseIf Empty EnableAnimations EnableAutoComplete EnableAutoFilter EnableCancelKey Enabled EnableOutlining EnablePivotTable EnableTipWizard Enclosures End end EndIf EndStyle EntireColumn EntireRow environ EOF Eqv Erase Erl Err Error ErrorBar ErrorBars eval Evaluate Events Excel4IntlMacroSheet Excel4IntlMacroSheets Excel4MacroSheet Excel4MacroSheets ExclusiveAccess execute ExecuteExcel4Macro Exit Exp Explicit Explosion Expression Extend External ExtraTitle F False Field FieldInfo File FileAttr FileConverters FileCopy FileDateTime FileFilter FileFormat FileLen Filename FileNumber FillAcrossSheets FillDown FillLeft FillRight FillUp FilterIndex FilterMode Find FindFile FindNext FindPrevious FirstPageNumber FirstSliceAngle FitToPagesTall FitToPagesWide Fix FixedDecimal FixedDecimalPlaces Floor Focus Font FontStyle FooterMargin For Format FormatName Formula FormulaArray FormulaHidden FormulaLocal FormulaR1C1 FormulaR1C1Local Formulas Forward ForwardMailer FreeFile FreezePanes From FromReferenceStyle FullName Function FunctionWizard fv Gallery GapDepth GapWidth Get getallsettings GetAttr GetCustomListContents GetCustomListNum GetObject GetOpenFilename GetSaveAsFilename getsetting Global Goal GoalSeek GoSub Goto Graph Green GridlineColor GridlineColorIndex Gridlines Group GroupBox GroupBoxes GroupBy GroupLevel GroupObject GroupObjects Groups HasArray HasAutoFormat HasAxis HasDataLabel HasDataLabels HasDropLines HasErrorBars HasFormula HasHiLoLines HasLegend HasLinks HasMailer HasMajorGridlines HasMenu HasMinorGridlines HasPassword HasRadarAxisLabels HasRoutingSlip HasSeriesLines HasTitle HasUpDownBars Header HeaderMargin Height HeightPercent Help HelpButton HelpContextID HelpFile Hex Hidden HiddenFields HiddenItems Hide HiLoLines HorizontalAlignment Hour IconFileName IconIndex IconLabel Id If IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended IgnoreRelativeAbsolute IgnoreRemoteRequests IgnoreUppercase iif IMEStatus Imp Import ImportChart ImportData In Inches InchesToPoints Include IncludeAlignment IncludeBorder IncludeFont IncludeNumber IncludePatterns IncludeProtection Index IndexLocal InitialFilename InnerDetail Input InputB InputBox InputType Insert InsertFile Installed InStr InStrB Int Integer Interactive Intercept InterceptIsAuto Interior International Intersect InvertIfNegative ipmt irr Is IsArray IsDate IsEmpty IsError IsGap IsMissing IsNull IsNumeric IsObject Italic Item Iteration Justify Key Key1 Key2 Key3 Keys Keywords Kill Label LabelRange Labels LargeButtons LargeChange LargeScroll LatestEdition LatestTime Launch LBound LCase Left LeftB LeftColumn LeftFooter LeftHeader LeftMargin Legend LegendEntries LegendEntry LegendKey Len LenB Length Let Lib LibraryPath Like Line Line3DGroup LineGroup LineGroups Lines LineStyle Link LinkCombo LinkedCell LinkedObject LinkInfo LinkNumber Links LinkSources List ListArray ListBox ListBoxes ListCount ListFillRange ListHeaderRows ListIndex ListNames ListNum load Loc Local LocationInTable Lock Locked LockedText LOF Log Long LookAt LookIn Loop LSet LTrim MacID Macro MacroOptions MacroType MacScript Mailer MailLogoff MailLogon MailSession MailSystem MajorGridlines MajorTickMark MajorUnit MajorUnitIsAuto MajorVersion MarkerBackgroundColor MarkerBackgroundColorIndex MarkerForegroundColor MarkerForegroundColorIndex MarkerStyle MatchByte MatchCase MathCoprocessorAvailable Max MaxChange MaxColumns MaximumScale MaximumScaleIsAuto MaxIterations MaxRows me MemoryFree MemoryTotal MemoryUsed Menu MenuBar MenuBars MenuItem MenuItems Menus MenuText Merge Message Mid MidB Min MinimumScale MinimumScaleIsAuto MinorGridlines MinorTickMark MinorUnit MinorUnitIsAuto MinorVersion MinusValues Minute mirr MkDir Mod Mode Module Modules Month MouseAvailable Move MoveAfterReturn MoveAfterReturnDirection MsgBox MultiLine MultiSelect MultiUse MultiUserEditing Name NameIsAuto NameLocal Names NavigateArrow NetworkTemplatesPath new NewEnum NewName NewSeries NewWindow Next NextLetter Not Note NoteText Nothing Notify Now nper npv Null Number NumberFormat NumberFormatLinked NumberFormatLocal NumCategoryLabels NumSeriesLabels Object Oct Of Offset OLEObject oleobjectblob OLEObjects OLEType OmitBackground OmitColumn OmitRow On OnAction OnCalculate OnData OnDoubleClick OnEntry OnKey OnRepeat OnSave OnSheetActivate OnSheetDeactivate OnTime OnUndo OnWindow Open OpenLinks OpenText OperatingSystem Operation Operator Option Optional OptionButton OptionButtons Or Order Order1 Order2 Order3 OrderCustom OrganizationName Orientation Origin Other OtherChar Outline OutlineFont OutlineLevel Output Oval Ovals Overlap PageBreak PageBreaks PageField PageFields PageRange PageSetup Pane Panes PaperSize ParamArray Parent ParentField ParentItem ParentItems ParentShowDetail ParentWorksheet Parse ParseLine partition Password PasswordEdit Paste PasteFace PasteSpecial Path PathName PathSeparator Pattern PatternColor PatternColorIndex Period Periods Perspective PhoneticAccelerator Picture Pictures PictureType PictureUnit Pie3DGroup PieGroup PieGroups PivotField PivotFields PivotItem PivotItems PivotTable PivotTables PivotTableWizard Placement Play PlotArea PlotBy PlotOrder PlotVisibleOnly pmt Point Points Position Post ppmt Precedents PrecisionAsDisplayed PrefixCharacter Preserve Preview Previous PreviousSelections Print PrintArea PrintGridlines PrintHeadings PrintNotes PrintObject PrintOut PrintPreview PrintQuality PrintTitleColumns PrintTitleRows PrintToFile Priority Private Procedure Prompt PromptForSummaryInfo Property Protect ProtectContents ProtectDrawingObjects Protection ProtectionMode ProtectScenarios ProtectStructure ProtectWindows Public Pushed Put pv qbcolor Quit R1C1 RadarAxisLabels RadarGroup RadarGroups Random Randomize Range Range1 Range2 RangeSelection rate Read ReadOnly ReadOnlyRecommended Received Recipients Record RecordMacro RecordRelative Rectangle Rectangles Red ReDim Reference ReferenceStyle RefersTo RefersToLocal RefersToR1C1 RefersToR1C1Local RefersToRange RefreshDate RefreshName RefreshTable RegisteredFunctions RegisterXLL RelativeTo Rem Remove RemoveAllItems RemoveItem RemoveSubtotal Repeat Replace Replacement ReplacementList ReplaceText Reply ReplyAll ReportType Reserved Reset ResetTipWizard Reshape Resize Resource Restore ResultCells Resume Return ReturnReceipt ReturnType ReturnWhenDone ReversePlotOrder RevisionNumber RGB Right RightAngleAxes RightB RightFooter RightHeader RightMargin RmDir Rnd Root Rotation RoundedCorners Route Routed RouteWorkbook RoutingSlip Row RowAbsolute Rowcol RowDifferences RowFields RowGrand RowHeight RowIndex RowInput RowLevels RowOffset RowRange Rows RowSize RSet RTrim Run RunAutoMacros Save SaveAs SaveAsOldFileFormat SaveChanges SaveCopyAs Saved SaveData SaveLinkValues savesetting ScaleType Scenario Scenarios Schedule ScreenUpdating Script scriptengine Scroll ScrollBar ScrollBars ScrollColumn ScrollRow ScrollWorkbookTabs SearchDirection SearchOrder Second Seek Select Selected SelectedSheets Selection Semicolon SendDateTime Sender SendKeys SendMail SendMailer SendToBack Series SeriesCollection SeriesLabels SeriesLines Set SetAttr SetBackgroundPicture SetDefaultChart SetEchoOn SetInfoDisplay SetLinkOnData Sgn Shadow Shared Sheet SheetBackground Sheets SheetsInNewWorkbook Shell Shift ShortcutKey ShortcutMenus Show ShowAllData ShowConflictHistory ShowDataForm ShowDependents ShowDetail ShowErrors ShowLegendKey ShowLevels ShowPages ShowPrecedents ShowRevisionHistory ShowToolTips Sin Single Size SizeWithWindow SkipBlanks sln SmallChange SmallScroll Smooth Sort SortMethod SortSpecial SoundNote Source SourceData SourceName Sources SourceType Space Spc SpecialCells Spinner Spinners Split SplitColumn SplitHorizontal SplitRow SplitVertical Sqr StandardFont StandardFontSize StandardHeight StandardWidth Start StartRow StartupPath startupposition Static Status StatusBar Step Stop Str StrComp StrConv Strict Strikethrough String Structure Style Styles Sub Subject SubscribeTo Subscript Subtotal Subtotals SubType Summary SummaryBelowData SummaryColumn SummaryRow Superscript SurfaceGroup switch syd SyncHorizontal SyncVertical Tab Table TableDestination TableName TableRange1 TableRange2 TabRatio Tan Template TemplatesPath Text TextBox TextBoxes TextLocal TextQualifier TextToColumns Then ThisWorkbook TickLabelPosition TickLabels TickLabelSpacing TickMarkSpacing Time Timer TimeSerial TimeValue Title To ToAbsolute ToLeft Toolbar ToolbarButton ToolbarButtons Toolbars Top Topic TopLeftCell TopMargin TopRow ToRecipients ToReferenceStyle ToRight TotalLevels TotalList TowardPrecedent TrackStatus TransitionExpEval TransitionFormEntry TransitionMenuKey TransitionMenuKeyAction TransitionNavigKeys Transpose Trend Trendline Trendlines Trim True TwoInitialCapitals Type TypeName typeof UBound UCase Underline Undo Ungroup Union Unique Unknown unload Unlock Unprotect Until Up UpBars Update UpdateFromFile UpdateLink UpdateLinks UpdateRemoteReferences UsableHeight UsableWidth UsedRange UserInterfaceOnly UserName UseRowColumnNames UserStatus UseStandardHeight UseStandardWidth Val Value Values ValueTitle Variant VarName VarType VaryByCategories vb_creatable vb_exposed vb_name vb_predeclaredid vbAbort vbAbortRetryIgnore vbApplicationModal vbArchive vbArray vbBoolean vbByte vbCancel vbCritical vbCurrency vbDataObject vbDate vbDecimal vbDefaultButton1 vbDefaultButton2 vbDefaultButton3 vbDirectory vbDouble vbEmpty vbError vbExclamation vbHidden vbHiragana vbIgnore vbInformation vbInteger vbKatakana vbLong vbLowerCase vbNarrow vbNo vbNormal vbNull vbObject vbOK vbOKCancel vbOKOnly vbProperCase vbQuestion vbReadOnly vbRetry vbRetryCancel vbSingle vbString vbSystem vbSystemModal vbUpperCase vbUserDefinedType vbVariant vbVolume vbWide vbYes vbYesNo vbYesNoCancel Verb Version version Vertex VerticalAlignment Vertices Visible VisibleFields VisibleItems VisibleRange Volatile Wait Walls WallsAndGridlines2D WeekDay Weight Wend What Where Which While Whole Width Window WindowNumber Windows WindowsForPens WindowState WindowStyle With withevents Word Workbook Workbooks Worksheet Worksheets WrapText Write WritePassword WriteReserved WriteReservedBy WriteResPassword X1 X2 xl24HourClock xl3DArea xl3DBar xl3DColumn xl3DEffects1 xl3DEffects2 xl3DLine xl3DPie xl3DSurface xl4DigitYears xlA1 xlAbove xlAbsolute xlAbsRowRelColumn xlAccounting1 xlAccounting2 xlAccounting3 xlAccounting4 xlAdd xlAddIn xlAll xlAllAtOnce xlAllExceptBorders xlAlternateArraySeparator xlAnd xlArea xlAscending xlAutoActivate xlAutoClose xlAutoDeactivate xlAutoFill xlAutomatic xlAutomaticUpdate xlAutoOpen xlAverage xlAxis xlBar xlBelow xlBIFF xlBitmap xlBlanks xlBMP xlBoth xlBottom xlBottom10Items xlBottom10Percent xlBuiltIn xlButton xlByColumns xlByRows xlCancel xlCap xlCascade xlCategory xlCenter xlCenterAcrossSelection xlCGM xlChangeAttributes xlChart xlChart4 xlChartAsWindow xlChartInPlace xlChartSeries xlChartShort xlChartTitles xlChecker xlChronological xlCircle xlClassic1 xlClassic2 xlClassic3 xlClipboard xlClipboardFormatBIFF xlClipboardFormatBIFF2 xlClipboardFormatBIFF3 xlClipboardFormatBIFF4 xlClipboardFormatBinary xlClipboardFormatBitmap xlClipboardFormatCGM xlClipboardFormatCSV xlClipboardFormatDIF xlClipboardFormatDspText xlClipboardFormatEmbeddedObject xlClipboardFormatEmbedSource xlClipboardFormatLink xlClipboardFormatLinkSource xlClipboardFormatLinkSourceDesc xlClipboardFormatMovie xlClipboardFormatNative xlClipboardFormatObjectDesc xlClipboardFormatObjectLink xlClipboardFormatOwnerLink xlClipboardFormatPICT xlClipboardFormatPrintPICT xlClipboardFormatRTF xlClipboardFormatScreenPICT xlClipboardFormatStandardFont xlClipboardFormatStandardScale xlClipboardFormatSYLK xlClipboardFormatTable xlClipboardFormatText xlClipboardFormatToolFace xlClipboardFormatToolFacePICT xlClipboardFormatVALU xlClipboardFormatWK1 xlClosed xlCodePage xlColor1 xlColor2 xlColor3 xlColumn xlColumnField xlColumnHeader xlColumnItem xlColumns xlColumnSeparator xlColumnThenRow xlCombination xlCommand xlConsolidation xlConstants xlContents xlContinuous xlCopy xlCorner xlCount xlCountNums xlCountryCode xlCountrySetting xlCrissCross xlCross xlCSV xlCSVMac xlCSVMSDOS xlCSVWindows xlCurrencyBefore xlCurrencyCode xlCurrencyDigits xlCurrencyLeadingZeros xlCurrencyMinusSign xlCurrencyNegative xlCurrencySpaceBefore xlCurrencyTrailingZeros xlCustom xlCut xlDash xlDashDot xlDashDotDot xlDatabase xlDataField xlDataHeader xlDataItem xlDate xlDateOrder xlDateSeparator xlDay xlDayCode xlDayLeadingZero xlDBF2 xlDBF3 xlDBF4 xlDebugCodePane xlDecimalSeparator xlDefaultAutoFormat xlDelimited xlDescending xlDesktop xlDialogActivate xlDialogActiveCellFont xlDialogAddChartAutoformat xlDialogAddinManager xlDialogAlignment xlDialogApplyNames xlDialogApplyStyle xlDialogAppMove xlDialogAppSize xlDialogArrangeAll xlDialogAssignToObject xlDialogAssignToTool xlDialogAttachText xlDialogAttachToolbars xlDialogAutoCorrect xlDialogAxes xlDialogBorder xlDialogCalculation xlDialogCellProtection xlDialogChangeLink xlDialogChartAddData xlDialogChartTrend xlDialogChartWizard xlDialogCheckboxProperties xlDialogClear xlDialogColorPalette xlDialogColumnWidth xlDialogCombination xlDialogConsolidate xlDialogCopyChart xlDialogCopyPicture xlDialogCreateNames xlDialogCreatePublisher xlDialogCustomizeToolbar xlDialogDataDelete xlDialogDataLabel xlDialogDataSeries xlDialogDefineName xlDialogDefineStyle xlDialogDeleteFormat xlDialogDeleteName xlDialogDemote xlDialogDisplay xlDialogEditboxProperties xlDialogEditColor xlDialogEditDelete xlDialogEditionOptions xlDialogEditSeries xlDialogErrorbarX xlDialogErrorbarY xlDialogExtract xlDialogFileDelete xlDialogFileSharing xlDialogFillGroup xlDialogFillWorkgroup xlDialogFilter xlDialogFilterAdvanced xlDialogFindFile xlDialogFont xlDialogFontProperties xlDialogFormatAuto xlDialogFormatChart xlDialogFormatCharttype xlDialogFormatFont xlDialogFormatLegend xlDialogFormatMain xlDialogFormatMove xlDialogFormatNumber xlDialogFormatOverlay xlDialogFormatSize xlDialogFormatText xlDialogFormulaFind xlDialogFormulaGoto xlDialogFormulaReplace xlDialogFunctionWizard xlDialogGallery3dArea xlDialogGallery3dBar xlDialogGallery3dColumn xlDialogGallery3dLine xlDialogGallery3dPie xlDialogGallery3dSurface xlDialogGalleryArea xlDialogGalleryBar xlDialogGalleryColumn xlDialogGalleryCustom xlDialogGalleryDoughnut xlDialogGalleryLine xlDialogGalleryPie xlDialogGalleryRadar xlDialogGalleryScatter xlDialogGoalSeek xlDialogGridlines xlDialogInsert xlDialogInsertObject xlDialogInsertPicture xlDialogInsertTitle xlDialogLabelProperties xlDialogListboxProperties xlDialogMacroOptions xlDialogMailLogon xlDialogMailNextLetter xlDialogMainChart xlDialogMainChartType xlDialogMenuEditor xlDialogMove xlDialogNew xlDialogNote xlDialogObjectProperties xlDialogObjectProtection xlDialogOpen xlDialogOpenLinks xlDialogOpenMail xlDialogOpenText xlDialogOptionsCalculation xlDialogOptionsChart xlDialogOptionsEdit xlDialogOptionsGeneral xlDialogOptionsListsAdd xlDialogOptionsTransition xlDialogOptionsView xlDialogOutline xlDialogOverlay xlDialogOverlayChartType xlDialogPageSetup xlDialogParse xlDialogPasteSpecial xlDialogPatterns xlDialogPivotFieldGroup xlDialogPivotFieldProperties xlDialogPivotFieldUngroup xlDialogPivotShowPages xlDialogPivotTableWizard xlDialogPlacement xlDialogPrint xlDialogPrinterSetup xlDialogPrintPreview xlDialogPromote xlDialogProperties xlDialogProtectDocument xlDialogPushbuttonProperties xlDialogReplaceFont xlDialogRoutingSlip xlDialogRowHeight xlDialogRun xlDialogSaveAs xlDialogSaveCopyAs xlDialogSaveNewObject xlDialogSaveWorkbook xlDialogSaveWorkspace xlDialogScale xlDialogScenarioAdd xlDialogScenarioCells xlDialogScenarioEdit xlDialogScenarioMerge xlDialogScenarioSummary xlDialogScrollbarProperties xlDialogSelectSpecial xlDialogSendMail xlDialogSeriesAxes xlDialogSeriesOrder xlDialogSeriesX xlDialogSeriesY xlDialogSetBackgroundPicture xlDialogSetPrintTitles xlDialogSetUpdateStatus xlDialogSheet xlDialogShowDetail xlDialogShowToolbar xlDialogSize xlDialogSort xlDialogSortSpecial xlDialogSplit xlDialogStandardFont xlDialogStandardWidth xlDialogStyle xlDialogSubscribeTo xlDialogSubtotalCreate xlDialogSummaryInfo xlDialogTable xlDialogTabOrder xlDialogTextToColumns xlDialogUnhide xlDialogUpdateLink xlDialogVbaInsertFile xlDialogVbaMakeAddin xlDialogVbaProcedureDefinition xlDialogView3d xlDialogWindowMove xlDialogWindowSize xlDialogWorkbookAdd xlDialogWorkbookCopy xlDialogWorkbookInsert xlDialogWorkbookMove xlDialogWorkbookName xlDialogWorkbookNew xlDialogWorkbookOptions xlDialogWorkbookProtect xlDialogWorkbookTabSplit xlDialogWorkbookUnhide xlDialogWorkgroup xlDialogWorkspace xlDialogZoom xlDiamond xlDIF xlDifferenceFrom xlDirect xlDisabled xlDistributed xlDivide xlDot xlDouble xlDoubleAccounting xlDoubleClosed xlDoubleOpen xlDoubleQuote xlDoughnut xlDown xlDownThenOver xlDownward xlDrawingObject xlDRW xlDXF xlEditionDate xlEntireChart xlEPS xlErrDiv0 xlErrNA xlErrName xlErrNull xlErrNum xlErrorHandler xlErrors xlErrRef xlErrValue xlExcel2 xlExcel2FarEast xlExcel3 xlExcel4 xlExcel4IntlMacroSheet xlExcel4MacroSheet xlExcel4Workbook xlExcelLinks xlExcelMenus xlExclusive xlExponential xlExtended xlExternal xlFill xlFillCopy xlFillDays xlFillDefault xlFillFormats xlFillMonths xlFillSeries xlFillValues xlFillWeekdays xlFillYears xlFilterCopy xlFilterInPlace xlFirst xlFitToPage xlFixedValue xlFixedWidth xlFloating xlFloor xlFormats xlFormula xlFormulas xlFreeFloating xlFullPage xlFunction xlGeneral xlGeneralFormatName xlGray16 xlGray25 xlGray50 xlGray75 xlGray8 xlGrid xlGridline xlGrowth xlGrowthTrend xlGuess xlHairline xlHGL xlHidden xlHide xlHigh xlHorizontal xlHourCode xlIBeam xlIcons xlImmediatePane xlIndex xlInfo xlInside xlInteger xlInterpolated xlInterrupt xlIntlAddIn xlIntlMacro xlJustify xlLandscape xlLast xlLastCell xlLeft xlLeftBrace xlLeftBracket xlLeftToRight xlLegend xlLightDown xlLightHorizontal xlLightUp xlLightVertical xlLine xlLinear xlLinearTrend xlList1 xlList2 xlList3 xlListSeparator xlLocalFormat1 xlLocalFormat2 xlLocalSessionChanges xlLogarithmic xlLogical xlLong xlLotusHelp xlLow xlLowerCaseColumnLetter xlLowerCaseRowLetter xlMacintosh xlMacrosheetCell xlManual xlManualUpdate xlMAPI xlMax xlMaximized xlMaximum xlMDY xlMedium xlMetric xlMicrosoftAccess xlMicrosoftFoxPro xlMicrosoftMail xlMicrosoftPowerPoint xlMicrosoftProject xlMicrosoftSchedulePlus xlMicrosoftWord xlMin xlMinimized xlMinimum xlMinusValues xlMinuteCode xlMixed xlModule xlMonth xlMonthCode xlMonthLeadingZero xlMonthNameChars xlMove xlMoveAndSize xlMovingAvg xlMSDOS xlMultiply xlNarrow xlNext xlNextToAxis xlNo xlNoButtonChanges xlNoCap xlNoChange xlNoChanges xlNoDockingChanges xlNoDocuments xlNoMailSystem xlNoncurrencyDigits xlNone xlNonEnglishFunctions xlNormal xlNorthwestArrow xlNoShapeChanges xlNotes xlNotPlotted xlNotYetRouted xlNumber xlNumbers xlOff xlOLEEmbed xlOLELink xlOLELinks xlOn xlOneAfterAnother xlOpaque xlOpen xlOpenSource xlOr xlOtherSessionChanges xlOutside xlOverThenDown xlPageField xlPageHeader xlPageItem xlPaper10x14 xlPaper11x17 xlPaperA3 xlPaperA4 xlPaperA4Small xlPaperA5 xlPaperB4 xlPaperB5 xlPaperCsheet xlPaperDsheet xlPaperEnvelope10 xlPaperEnvelope11 xlPaperEnvelope12 xlPaperEnvelope14 xlPaperEnvelope9 xlPaperEnvelopeB4 xlPaperEnvelopeB5 xlPaperEnvelopeB6 xlPaperEnvelopeC3 xlPaperEnvelopeC4 xlPaperEnvelopeC5 xlPaperEnvelopeC6 xlPaperEnvelopeC65 xlPaperEnvelopeDL xlPaperEnvelopeItaly xlPaperEnvelopeMonarch xlPaperEnvelopePersonal xlPaperEsheet xlPaperExecutive xlPaperFanfoldLegalGerman xlPaperFanfoldStdGerman xlPaperFanfoldUS xlPaperFolio xlPaperLedger xlPaperLegal xlPaperLetter xlPaperLetterSmall xlPaperNote xlPaperQuarto xlPaperStatement xlPaperTabloid xlPaperUser xlPart xlPCT xlPCX xlPercent xlPercentDifferenceFrom xlPercentOf xlPercentOfColumn xlPercentOfRow xlPercentOfTotal xlPIC xlPICT xlPicture xlPie xlPivotTable xlPlaceholders xlPlotArea xlPLT xlPlus xlPlusValues xlPolynomial xlPortrait xlPower xlPowerTalk xlPrevious xlPrimary xlPrinter xlProduct xlPublisher xlPublishers xlR1C1 xlRadar xlReadOnly xlReadWrite xlReference xlRelative xlRelRowAbsColumn xlRight xlRightBrace xlRightBracket xlRoutingComplete xlRoutingInProgress xlRowField xlRowHeader xlRowItem xlRows xlRowSeparator xlRowThenColumn xlRTF xlRunningTotal xlScale xlScreen xlScreenSize xlSecondary xlSecondCode xlSelect xlSemiautomatic xlSemiGray75 xlSendPublisher xlSeries xlShared xlShort xlShowLabel xlShowLabelAndPercent xlShowPercent xlShowValue xlSimple xlSingle xlSingleAccounting xlSingleQuote xlSolid xlSortLabels xlSortValues xlSquare xlStack xlStandardSummary xlStar xlStDev xlStDevP xlStError xlStretch xlStrict xlSubscriber xlSubscribers xlSubtract xlSum xlSYLK xlSyllabary xlTableBody xlTemplate xlText xlTextBox xlTextMac xlTextMSDOS xlTextPrinter xlTextValues xlTextWindows xlThick xlThin xlThousandsSeparator xlTIF xlTiled xlTimeLeadingZero xlTimeSeparator xlTitleBar xlToLeft xlToolbar xlToolbarButton xlTop xlTop10Items xlTop10Percent xlTopToBottom xlToRight xlTransparent xlTriangle xlUp xlUpdateState xlUpdateSubscriber xlUpperCaseColumnLetter xlUpperCaseRowLetter xlUpward xlUserResolution xlVALU xlValue xlValues xlVar xlVarP xlVertical xlVeryHidden xlVisible xlWait xlWatchPane xlWeekday xlWeekdayNameChars xlWhole xlWide xlWindows xlWJ2WD1 xlWK1 xlWK1ALL xlWK1FMT xlWK3 xlWK3FM3 xlWKS xlWMF xlWorkbook xlWorkbookTab xlWorks2FarEast xlWorksheet xlWorksheet4 xlWorksheetCell xlWorksheetShort xlWPG xlWQ1 xlX xlXYScatter xlY xlYear xlYearCode xlYes xlZero Xor XPos XValues XYGroup XYGroups Y1 Y2 Year YPos Zoom ZOrder Checkbox CommandButton ComboBox Frame Image Label ListBox MultiPage OptionButton RefEdit ScrollBar SpinButton TabStrip TextBox ToggleButton UserForm Sheet Chart _setfocus _afterupdate _beforedragover _beforedroporpaste _beforeupdate _change _click _dblclick _enter _exit _error _keydown _keyup _keypress _mousedown _mouseup _mousemove _addcontrol _removecontrol _spinup _spindown _layout _dropbuttonclick _deactivate _initialize _queryclose _terminate _Value _Caption _Picture _Visible _List _Text jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec January February March April May June July August September October November December vb_globalnamespace AM PM collection Byte assert clearcomments shape addcomment vbBack vbCr vbCrLf vbFormFeed vbLf vbNewLine vbNullChar vbNullString vbObjectError vbTab vbVerticalTab vbBinaryCompare vbDatabaseCompare vbTextCompare Workbook_Activate Workbook_AddinInstall Workbook_AddinUninstall Workbook_AfterXmlExport Workbook_AfterXmlImport Workbook_BeforeClose Workbook_BeforePrint Workbook_BeforeSave Workbook_BeforeXmlExport Workbook_BeforeXmlImport Workbook_Deactivate Workbook_NewSheet Workbook_Open Workbook_PivotTableCloseConnection Workbook_PivotTableOpenConnection Workbook_SheetActivate Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick Workbook_SheetBeforeRightClick Workbook_SheetCalculate Workbook_SheetChange Workbook_SheetDeactivate Workbook_SheetFollowHyperlink Workbook_SheetPivotTableUpdate Workbook_SheetSelectionChange Workbook_Sync Workbook_WindowActivate Workbook_WindowDeactivate Workbook_WindowResize Excel Office MsoSyncEventType xmlMap XlXmlImportResult XlXmlExportResult Hyperlink Worksheet_Activate Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick Worksheet_BeforeRightClick Worksheet_Calculate Worksheet_Change Worksheet_Deactivate Worksheet_FollowHyperlink Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate Worksheet_SelectionChange Chart_Activate Chart_BeforeDoubleClick Chart_BeforeRightClick Chart_Calculate Chart_Deactivate Chart_DragOver Chart_DragPlot Chart_MouseDown Chart_MouseMove Chart_MouseUp Chart_Resize Chart_Select Chart_SeriesChange VBProject VBComponents VBComponent CodeModule Raise startLine CountOfLines InsertLines DeleteLines Comment go